David France - Software Developer

Agile - Software Development Lifecylce

One of the elements I feel I’m well suited to adapt to is the software development lifecycle, particularly Agile methodology. While it’s understood that any developer should be able to handle the actual engineering/coding of a project, I could see it being challenging for many people, particularly those with less professional experience, to handle nebulous requirements from either management or the clients. Many people don’t know what they want or change mid-project. This is something I’m not only used to; I have never had a problem adjusting. One of my strengths is putting my head down and getting the job in front of me done, while compartmentalizing any frustrations to be handled at an appropriate time.

One key skill in any customer service job is anticipating guest needs. This is something I’ve had years of practice with, including with billionaires and celebrities, each with their own peculiarities. It also means being able to pivot when the guest changes their mind, or what they said is different than what they meant.

Below are some examples of PowerPoints and papers I’ve done related to the software development lifecycle and Agile methodology.

Software development lifecycle:

SCRUM - Agile